BC’s Culture Guard terms Drag Queen events ‘child endangerment’ January 17, 2020 (RoadKillRadio News) — Public libraries that display “age-inappropriate material”, including salacious LGBTQ2S+ books […]
BC’s Culture Guard terms Drag Queen events ‘child endangerment’ January 17, 2020 (RoadKillRadio News) — Public libraries that display “age-inappropriate material”, including salacious LGBTQ2S+ books […]
Ron Gray presents his opinion that the SOGI agenda uses a cruel form of "compassion" to sell their program, exposing their underhanded tactics and ulterior […]
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, October 7, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — B.C. conservative firebrand and radio host Kari Simpson wants to be a co-defendant alongside outspoken activist Bill […]
Kari and Ron read the “House Blues”—the first report of proceedings in the BC Legislature—and discover a blatant deception: NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert crowing […]
Ron Gray, host of RoadKill Radio’s popular "Drive for Justice" series, launches a new weekly series for RKR fans: "The Ron Gray Show". In this […]
RKR is back at work—and there’s so much work to be done! First off, we’re kicking off the New Year with a number of new […]
Kari Simpson welcomes respected social justice activist Brian Camenker, head honcho for Mass Resistance, an organization dedicated to exposing the sex activist agenda and a […]
Kari Simpson speaks with Canadian Member of Parliament Joy Smith of Kildonan-St. Paul, Manitoba, about Mrs. Smith’s campaign to bring a British-style opt-in program to […]
Has Christian Bashing become a court sanctioned sport in Canada? Don Spratt joins Kari Simpson for a lively expose on what is happening in Canada. […]
North American children are being carefully and thoroughly groomed to be at war with their elders – us – which is all too evident any […]
Insanity: A Suffolk, Virginia school suspended a second grader for pointing a pencil at another student and making gun noises. And we’re supposed to trust […]
Kari Simpson and Ron Gray continue their recent discussion with Jim Hnatiuk, leader of Canada's socially and fiscally conservative Christian Heritage Party. As former leader […]
Mark Hasiuk is joined by Diane Watts, researcher for Real Women of Canada (.ca), who expresses her organization's stance on such varied topics as equality […]
LifeSiteNews.com is an excellent source of Real News, not dumbed down or sanitized like the Lamestream Media. They are a voice of reason and conscience […]
Robert A. Jason – in the form of emailed newsletters, actually – is a constant companion to the RoadKill Radio staff. As Mr. Jason explains […]