Mar 212012

The “robocall scandal” may be important—time and facts will tell—but it’s certainly not the most important danger to our democracy. Protecting the individual citizen’s right to vote matters… but protecting the integrity of that vote, itself, is far more important.

Elections Canada works hard—maybe too hard—to ensure that everyone gets to cast a ballot; but it doesn’t seem to value the integrity of that ballot nearly as much.

Here are some examples:

Elections Canada sends agents to shelters and under bridges to sign up homeless voters; but it’s not nearly as diligent about ensuring that the person who casts the ballot is qualified. You don’t really need to prove your identity; you can vote by mail, for example. You can vote on the basis of another registered voter vouching that you are who you say you are. The possibilities for fraudulent voting are enormous.

And to go back to those homeless voters for a moment: how many homeless people actually care about being able to vote? How many would be happy to swap their registration cards to an agent of one of the many Left-wing “social justice” campaigns for a mickey of rye? Yes, such an exchange would be illegal; but who is watching? Can Elections Canada guarantee it doesn’t happen?

Voter Identification Cards are often left in bundles in the lobby of apartment buildings, rather than being delivered into individual mailboxes; that’s manna from heaven for any irresponsible and overzealous campaign workers; they can do more with a few of those VICs than with thousands of robo-calls.

In their admirable zeal to ensure that they don’t deny a ballot to anyone who’s qualified to vote, Elections Canada has lowered the standards for verifying that eligibility. And I think they’ve lowered the standards too far.

I’m Ron Gray, and that’s how I see it.

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