Radical Sex Activism In BC Schools
Backgrounder: SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity)
May 4, 2017 – This is a special note to all parents: There is an active agenda within BC schools (And across Canada and the USA) to undermine your relationship with your children, undermine societal values and to sexualize your children. Your children are being used as political pawns. One of these programs is called SOGI, it is designed to create societal disruption.
Homosexuality and gender deviancy is nothing new. History provides us with examples of what happens when sex activism is allowed to flourish. Without exception, there comes a point, usually because of the health, medical and social costs and consequences, where the pendulum swings back, and reason prevails. The time is now to end the insanity.
Your child’s school has now been ordered to comply with the sex activists agenda. Teachers can no longer refer to children as “boys and girls”. To do so would be “to impose a binary gender assignment” that violates the sex activists’ view of how children should be raised. When talking about families, teachers are prohibited from using the terms “mom” and “dad,” and are instead directed to refer to your role simply “parent” or “guardian.” The new directives do not stop there. Get informed!
Other changes you need to be aware of. Your child’s school bathroom can now be used by gender deviants. Men/boys dressed up as—or “identify” as women/girls—can now use your daughter’s school change room, access the girls/womans change facilities at your local recreation centre or community swimming pool…as a few examples. Churches, Mosques, Synagogues and daycares are now prohibited from “discriminating” against those who claim to “identify” differently from their birth identity as male or female.
Please forward this information to everyone on your email list and/or post to your social media!
Why is the BC Minister of Education trying to deceive parents?
On September 8, 2016, the BC Minister for Education, Mike Bernier, announced the adoption of the controversial and explicit terms of “Sexual Orientation” and “Gender Identity” (SOGI), made mandatory in so-called “anti-bullying policies” that all school districts and independent schools are now required to have in place. During the same press conference, a new ‘partnership’ with the ARC Foundation was also announced.
The BC government propagandized the announcement with a stock photo that featured a very sad looking little girl, and deliberately misled readers to believe that this move was simply to enhance “anti-bullying” policies.
In reality what the Christy Clark government did was to usher in a radical pro-homosexual, pro-gender-bender, pro-promiscuity sex agenda without consulting parents or taxpayers. They did this under the deceptive guise of “anti-bullying.”
The announcement goes on to state:
All public school boards are required to have codes of conduct in their schools to address bullying by articulating the prohibited grounds of discriminationas set out in the British Columbia Human Rights Code, acceptable and unacceptable behaviours and consequences.
Independent schools are required to have policies promoting safety, respect and acceptance of all students; anti-bullying and harassment policies; and educational programs addressing these issues.
Districts and schools have until the end of this year to update their anti-bullying policies.
Tricky Wording, Designed to Dupe Parents
Militant sex activist NDP MLA Spencer Chandra-Herbert, who is well known for his willingness to lie about issues, and who has lobbied for years to cut funding to private schools, was ecstatic at the news; and perhaps he said it best: “The devil will be in the details” according to his interview with XTRA, the LGBTQ++ community newspaper.
So how did we get from adding a few explicit propaganda terms like “Gender Identity,” to school districts’ codes of conduct, to a full-on assault in which the sexual anarchist political agenda is forced on students from K to 12, violating the rights and sensibilities of the majority of parents, just to appease a few sex activists?
The BC Liberals secretly amended BCs’ Human Rights Code
Photo credit BC Provincial Gov
There was no advance notice—at least, not to the general public—about the July 25, 2016 surprise mid-summer first reading (and second and third!) of Bill 27 to amend the BC Human Rights Act; yet somehow 100+ sex activists had poured into the public gallery of the BC Legislature to watch Bill 27 rammed through into law—all in one day!
The amendment to the already controversial BC Human Rights Code now includes whatever I want my “gender identity” to be on any given day. Attorney General, Suzanne Anton, introduced the Bill, and it was on a fast track thereafter, receiving first, second, the façade of a committee hearing, and third reading—all in a matter of hours.
The amending of the BC Human Rights Code was the catalyst for the introduction of the mandatory code of conduct and the learning outcomes now required by the Ministry of Education.
Under the recent amendments to the BC Human Rights Code, and according to the “SOGI” mandates of BC’s Minister of Education, sex activist men who dress—or “identify”—as women (like the ones pictured above celebrating with the Premier and the Attorney General on July 25, 2016) can now use the girls/women’s washrooms in schools, daycares, churches, mosques, museums, amusement parks, public swimming pools, or recreation centre showers; and they can join all-female gyms.
This move creates other problems. For instance, it is uncertain as to how Canada will now track sexually- transmitted diseases. If one of these individuals contracts HIV, will the record now be deceptively reported as a female case, thus skewing the data? This is one example of hundreds systemic disruptions that will result.
Parents Need To KNOW!
What parents need to know is that the Ministry of Education requires certain learning outcomes for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students in a variety of subject matters. And this is where those devilish details will affect BC children, as radical sex activists and their organizations—such as Out in Schools—“facilitate” teachers in meeting these required outcomes by going into schools, under the guise of “anti-bullying” programs to indoctrinate students with their sex activist agenda.
Every child, in every school—including private schools—is being targeted.
Below is a picture of another program (there are lots of them!), Vancouver’s “Pride Speaks” that is “facilitating” the introduction of sex activism into a grade 7 classroom.
Photo credit – Pridespeaks website
The promotional material for the “PrideSpeaks” session for Kindergarten – Grade 3 (5-8 years olds), as one example, describes the indoctrination and psychological conditioning of young children:
K-3 — Gender
(40 minutes)
- What is gender? Exploring gender diversity
- Reading a picture book about gender diversity written by a young transgender child (“ I Am Jazz”)
- Discussion about the story
- Empathy exercise to demonstrate what being a good friend looks like for students who come out as transgender or gender variant
- Presenters sharing coming out stories
School districts and independent schools have been ordered to add Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity politics to their codes of conduct, giving special rights to LGBTQ2++ political platforms by introducing one-sided “celebratory” propaganda and failing to inform students factually about the mental health risks and issues, medical costs to taxpayers, epidemic STDs and social costs commonly associated with LGBTQ++ persons.
There will be no factual information presented as to the obvious problems associated with two men playing at being mom/dad or daddy/dad …,or how a transgendered person is really a “they”. Instead teachers have already been directed in the SOGI-targeted pilot schools not to use the words “mom”, “dad”, “mother” or “father” any more, but to instead use terms like “partner.” It is also ‘wrong’ to address children as “boys and girls”; instead, teachers are told to use words like “students”.
Minister of Education in bed with Sex Activists
Also attending the September 8, 2016, policy announcement by Education Minister Bernier, who has a lesbian daughter, were the militant left-wing President of the BC Teachers’ Federation, Glen Hansman; ARC Foundation Executive Director and sex activist Brad Beattie; and FISA (Federation of Independent School Association) President Doug Lauson.
During this joint press conference portion of the announcement, the Minister for Education also informed us that he had entered into a “partnership” with the ARC Foundation, sponsor of the SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity) program in schools.
Unbeknownst to most people—because there was no public consultation and no media coverage—the engines of the sex activist organization known as the ARC Foundation has been conspiring with the provincial government for at least the last two years to implement their “SOGI Education Initiative,” an initiative that mandates the political and sexual corruption of your children. The announcement states:
In addition, the ARC Foundation, based in B.C., is funding a new Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Education Advisor position to help school districts and independent schools develop the required policies and ‘voluntary’ anti-bullying programs to ensure they are inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity.
ARC Foundation’s current focus is the SOGI Education Initiative, which it says “aims to facilitate collaboration, programming and funding to ensure every school in British Columbia provides a safe and inclusive environment for every child.”
ARC Foundation, Perverting Your Child’s Education
It seems that the ARC Foundation—and its big-spending sex activist Trustee, Robert Quartermain—donated his way to seduce the BC Liberal party into “partnering” with him and his abusive agenda.
This agenda is not about respect, nor even anti-bullying; it is a radical and dangerous social experiment designed to undermine parental authority, and the values and societal structures that have served our nation well.
What Parents should know about the ARC Foundation
The ARC Foundation, as a “charity,” funds—in part—the annual Queer Film Festival and the controversial Out in Schools program. Out in Schools deceptively markets itself to schools and parents as an “anti-bullying” program.
Photo credit – Out on Screen
Out in Schools doesn’t disagree that their program is a “guerilla marketing” tactic to get more children/students to attend the Queer Film Festival, thus exposing children to the politics of sex activism and hard-core pornography that are central to the QFF.
Out in Schools delivers the radicalized vocabulary of sex activism and incorporates identity politics into their in-school presentations. Those presentations and the presenters have no educational credentials or credible research basis. The American College of Pediatricians has denounced transgender education and therapy as dangerous to children.
CultureGuard exposed the Out In Schools program in 2011, but the left-wing Vancouver media refused to report on it with the exception of a small mention by Janet Stefenhagen in her education column. See video part 1 here and part 2 here. Warning graphic images.
Students are emotionally bullied into compliance, being forced to engage in activities that violate their rights, with teachers in some cases threatening to fail students if they don’t embrace the sex activist ideology. Political posters now fill the walls of some schools with sexual activists rhetoric. Here are just 4 examples supplied by the BC Teacher’s Federation. There are hundreds available.
School presentations are void of any effort to discuss social responsibility as far as not engaging in sexual activities that result in costing taxpayers billions of dollars. Instead, students are encouraged to be “sex positive,” among other things, and conditioned to remain silent if they don’t agree. The few students who are brave enough to speak out against this agenda are condemned, labeled “homophobic” and other nasty bully terms.
These presentations have been happening without informed parental knowledge or consent in most cases, for the last 5 years in some activist districts. Now every school district in BC is mandated to indoctrinate students.
The Out in Schools program, authored by Romi Chandra-Herbert and other radical sex activists, has been designated as the vehicle for delivery of these learning outcomes by the SOGI partnership with the Ministry of Education.
SOGI 123
The SOGI curriculum encourages teachers to use these steps.
Use Gender-Free Phrasing
Talk in a way that does not specify a gender, sex, or sexual orientation unless it is pertinent to the comment.
e.g., “Good morning everyone.” instead of “Good morning boys and girls.”
e.g., “Students should turn in their papers.” instead of “Each student should turn in his/her paper.”
Use Language For All Families
Refer to a student’s “family” and “parents” instead of “mom and dad” to include students who may have single, step or LGBTQ parents, or alternate guardians.
e.g., “Please tell your parents or guardian.” instead of “Please tell your mom and dad.”
Expand Your Vocabulary
SOGI-related vocabulary is always evolving. Do not hesitate to ask questions about and get clarity on respectful language for talking about sexual orientation and gender identity.
According to the SOGI website, the BC SOGI Educator Network was formally launched as a pilot project at the beginning of the 2016/2017 year by ARC Foundation and nine BC school districts: Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Burnaby, Langley, Delta, Sea to Sky, Nanaimo-Ladysmith, and Kamloops/Thompson.
The SOGI website lists these 10 Key components, read them carefully. This is what is happening in BC Classrooms:
Here are ten key components for effective SOGI-inclusive policies and procedures:
This list was compiled by the Ministry of Education/SOGI Working Group.
- Common Language
All parties will be we||-informed of and equipped with appropriate and respectful language.
- Safety/Anti-Harassment
Proactive and reactive measures that include sexual orientation and gender identity will impact all students.
- Self-Identification
Students will have the right to self-identification, which includes the name by which they wish to be addressed and the preferred pronouns that correspond to their gender identity.
- Confidentiality
Students will have the right to the confidentiality of their official and/or preferred sex, gender, and name.
- Dress Guidelines
Students may express their gender identity or gender expression through what they wear to school. A dress code should be as all—inclusive as possible, which may include removing
- Gender Integrated And Inclusive Activities
Integrated and inclusive activities will enable students to join teams and groups that they feel correspond with their gender identity.
- Educator Training
All staff will be provided with knowledge and tools to develop a broad understanding of SOGI and the impact on students.
- Inclusive Learning
Classroom materials and activities will contain positive images and accurate information about sexual and/or gender diversity.
- Facilities
Individuals may choose to use washrooms and change rooms that match their gender identity, including non-gendered single-stall washrooms and change rooms.
- Inclusive Extra-Curricular Activities
Students will be included and accommodated for in all extra-curricular activities regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, including support to set up a Gender-
SexualityAlliance/Gay-Straight Alliance or similar club.
On or about September 8, 2016, the ARC Foundation published on its website (http://www.arcfoundation.ca/sogi-education-initiative) the announcement made by the BC Government that it has “partnered” with the British Columbia Ministry of Education, and listed these activities in which the ‘partnership’ is already engaged:
Ministry Of Education SOGI Education Liaison
Just Announced — ARC Foundation has partnered with the Ministry of Education by funding a new Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Education Liaison position to support school districts and independent schools to develop their policies and voluntary anti-bullying programs, to be inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity. This position will be funded for the first year by ARC Foundation starting September 2016 with the Ministry of Education providing implementation support.
School District Operations
Just Launched — Expanding on the success of the Delta School District Pilot (2015-2016), the School District’s SOGI Pilot is providing a peer network, onboarding, and training tools, including an online district—wide toolkit, to 6-8 SOGI Coordinators within BC school districts in 2016/17.
SOGI Resource Development
Just Launched — The new SOGI Resource Development Lead at the UBC Faculty of Education is focused on developing and distributing a robust set of SOGI content and resources throughout the university and its academic network across Canada. A key responsibility of this dedicated, full-time role is the review of curriculum for UBC’s Teacher Education program to incorporate SOGI education.
SOGI Competency Training For BC Teachers
Just Launched — Addressing the present need for SOGI competency training among the province’s teachers, ARC Foundation is working with the Ministry of Education, BC Teachers Federation, UBC Faculty of Education and Out in Schools to deliver the SOGI Education Leadership Summit, a day-long professional development conference for teachers in October 2016. The Summit is an opportunity for SOGI stakeholders and educators in pilot districts to come together and explore opportunities for increasing SOGI capacity and enhancing the student experience within schools.
ARC buys its way into UBC
The ARC Foundation gifted the University of BC with $125,000 to be used to indoctrinate new teachers, and also to provide training for teachers currently in the education system. The buzz-worded goals should have every thinking citizen ready to rally in opposition and demand repeal of all gender identity provisions within our laws and policies.
The “goals” of the fund, are in part, to achieve the following:
– To implement transformation towards social justice goals at a faculty-wide scale at the University of British Columbia, so as to create and maintain an LGBT2Q inclusive curriculum, culture, workplace, and learning environment
– To prioritize systemic, faculty-wide interventions that focus on sexual orientation and gender identity as critical pillars in the architecture of human rights risks, resiliencies and interventions that aim to redress inequities and enhance social sustainability
– To design, innovate and implement whole-climate pedagogical approaches that recognize, and intervene to transform, the impacts of systemic discrimination
This is a Political Agenda
Every British Columbia is a stakeholder in the education system. Your voice matters. Thousands of parents have already joined in this battle. Add your voice!
Kari Simpson, Executive Director for Culture Guard has been the voice for parents on this issue. Kari was central to the defeat of the last provincial government, the NDP, in the 2001 election after they engaged in anti-family, anti-parent, pro-sex activist agenda within the schools. The NDP were politically obliterated being left with only 2 seats after the general election. Clearly the BC Liberals need the same lesson.
Add your voice, subscribe to Culture Guard and be a part of the solution to save the BC Education system and stop the abuse of BC Kids!
Contact: Kari Simpson
Email: CultureGuard@gmail.com Phone: 604 514-1614
Click here: Kari Simpson’s letter to ARC Foundation Trustee Robert Quartermain
Click here: Media Release – 100-plus sex activists in bed with Christy Clark and her Cabinet?
Click here : PDF copy of this SOGI backgrounder
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