Kari Simpson and Culture Guard rebuke lawyer Sarah Leamon’s slanderous commentary in Georgia Straight
Jan. 20, 2020 (RoadKill Radio News) — In a stinging rebuke, Culture Guard executive director Kari Simpson has demanded a retraction and apology from Vancouver lawyer Sarah Leamon.
Leamon wrote a commentary, published in the Jan. 15, 2020 Georgia Straight, in which she radically mischaracterised Culture Guard as engaging in activities to deprive the LGBTQ community of its rights. In fact, Ms. Simpson has many friends among the LGBTQ community—some of whom endorse Culture Guard’s opposition to campaigns by a minority of radical sex activists to impair the constitutionally-protected rights of parents and students.
Simpson states that she is “no longer going to tolerate lies and false information being published without consequences.
“These are dangerous times for those who are on the front lines, those willing to expose the sex activist extremism and the taxpayer-funded industry that operates as a bully-powered political movement,” Simpson says, adding that she, her family and those who work alongside her have been the targets of death threats and harassment, and have been denied public venues for speaking engagements because of the tactics of those whose politics include corrupting children, forcing compelled speech on citizens in violation of their Charter-protected free speech rights, and other anti-democratic views.
Simpson says she will also report Leamon’s misconduct to the Law Society of BC, and will make similar demands of The Georgia Straight newspaper and its editor, Don McLeod.
Simpson states: “As a lawyer, Leamon ought to know better.”
Contact: Kari Simpson (778) 277-2201
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