In this postmodern era of mind-numbing ‘wokeness’, our playboy Prime Minister, perhaps trying to compensate for a childhood that has lasted into his 40s, has decreed that we must all adopt a distortion of the English language—which, it seems by all his “uuhs” and “ahhs” he surely despises—that eviscerates its precision and beauty.
We now must—by legal ukase—adopt a series of meaningless grunts that will reduce the meeting of two strangers to a parody of the mandarinate of the Ming Dynasty:
“Hello. My pronouns are faer and faers.”
“Hello. My pronouns are he and his.”
“Off with its head!” cried the Red Queen.
The English language—which has enabled accuracy and utility of expression through the Feudal, Enlightenment, Romantic, Industrial, Modern and Information eras—collapses today before Postmodernism, which decrees that there is no truth. And the so-called ‘news’ and entertainment media, the government, and the Education Establishment capitulate and, for the first time in our long and rich history, sacrifice freedom of thought and expression on the altar of ‘wokeness’.
For what? To accommodate the ‘feelings’ of the 0.6 percent of us who live in delusional fantasies. Instead of meeting their real need—for care and counselling to bring them out of delusion into the sunshine of reality—the New Mandarinate has decreed (in Bill C-16) that we must all conform to mandated speech.
Not only does this new ‘PostEnlightenment’ trendiness mandate the adoption of a series of meaningless grunts; it also trashes the grammatical discipline of number, with plural pronouns now attached to individuals … and, by the same logic, may soon apply solo pronouns to groups, replacing “them” with “zhers”. Why not?
Thus, the language of Shakespeare and Milton is being transformed from a symphonic instrument for the transmission of ideas into a carnival house full of distorting mirrors. This is not happening in any other language, as far as I know. The thought police are only on the prowl in English, seeking to enforce their conformity on the most international language on the globe.
We must agree together to rescue the English language from the oppressive, increasingly abusive power of government—a power, never forget, that is ultimately enforced by the gun and the prison—for the sake of our children and the civilizational culture they are to inherit; for without language that is accurate and expressive, they will not be able to think: they will be reduced to mute automata.
The pressure of their addiction to pixels is dangerous enough; don’t let a Kardashian government, addicted to fads, continue to put their tongues and their minds into bondage!
Rise up and join the rebellion against linguistic oppression!
—Ron Gray
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