Weigh Station: Memories of an Elephant

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Jan 292013
Weigh Station: Memories of an Elephant

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]

Weigh Station: Dinosaurs in the Bible

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Jan 152013
Weigh Station: Dinosaurs in the Bible

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]

Weigh Station: Nostradamus Predicted 9/11

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Jan 082013
Weigh Station: Nostradamus Predicted 9/11

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]

Weigh Station: An Eclipse Can Blind You

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Dec 252012
Weigh Station: An Eclipse Can Blind You

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]

Weigh Station: The Internet is Secure and Private

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Dec 182012
Weigh Station: The Internet is Secure and Private

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]

Weigh Station: An Actual Bigfoot was Filmed in 1967

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Dec 082012
Weigh Station: An Actual Bigfoot was Filmed in 1967

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]

Weigh Station: Mitt Romney CNN Story Spreads Virus

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Nov 242012
Weigh Station: Mitt Romney CNN Story Spreads Virus

RoadKill Radio News exposes the truth behind urban legends. Come back each week for a new weigh-in, and feel free to suggest items for us […]