LifeSiteNews.com is an excellent source of Real News, not dumbed down or sanitized like the Lamestream Media. They are a voice of reason and conscience […]
LifeSiteNews.com is an excellent source of Real News, not dumbed down or sanitized like the Lamestream Media. They are a voice of reason and conscience […]
Robert A. Jason – in the form of emailed newsletters, actually – is a constant companion to the RoadKill Radio staff. As Mr. Jason explains […]
Richard K (not pictured left) maintains a fun and informative blog at eyecrazy.blogspot.ca that at times influences reason to rear its rarely-seen head and make things a […]
In a landmark unanimous/split decision by the Supreme Court of Canada, the Supremes found for Mr. Whatcott on 2 counts, yet against him on another […]
Gordon Watson, part owner of the private cowshare co-op OUR Cows Inc., and Michael Schmidt, the agistment (cow keeper) for the co-op, have been battling […]
With two “silly” sketches, late night TV’s Conan O’Brien has brought more awareness to the Humanity of unborn babies than decades of Pro-Life efforts. While […]
Jerry Flynn is a retired officer of the Royal Canadian Navy, but he continues to serve and protect his fellow Canadians by lecturing about the […]
Patricia Maloney writes a fascinating blog called Run With Life (run-with-life.blogspot.ca), through which she scrupulously compiles facts and statistics relating to Canadian abortions. In early […]
Peggy Clores, the daughter of a Nazi Holocaust survivor, has called out the World Health Organization for its part in the world’s ongoing Infanticite Holocaust. […]
Big kudos to Ezra Levant for standing up to the professional protestors and a lazy, complicit police force supporting the aimless “Idle No More” movement. […]
Ben Shapiro, conservative author and editor-at-large for Breitbart.com, has taken on Universities, Bullies, Big Bird, and now Piers Morgan in his quest for morality and […]
A 21-Gun salute goes out to Ian Thomson, an Ontario man who stuck to his guns and won a victory for every Canadian who wants […]
Bill Whatcott is a Canadian rarity: a fearless and relentless fighter for his personal beliefs and for the rights of ALL Canadians to exercise their […]
The Honourable Judith Collins, New Zealand’s Justice Minister (AKA “Crusher Collins”), blazed onto the RoadKill Radio highway when she very publicly and brazenly outed former […]
John Carpay is founder and president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. Mr. Carpay co-authored the Campus Freedom Index, ranking Canadian universities and student […]
Oliver Capko, student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Langley, BC, is fighting for the right to form a pro-choice club on his campus. The student […]