Kari Simpson and Culture Guard rebuke lawyer Sarah Leamon’s slanderous commentary in Georgia Straight Jan. 20, 2020 (RoadKill Radio News) — In a stinging rebuke, […]
‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ stirs Missouri lawmaker to propose limits on library programming
BC’s Culture Guard terms Drag Queen events ‘child endangerment’ January 17, 2020 (RoadKillRadio News) — Public libraries that display “age-inappropriate material”, including salacious LGBTQ2S+ books […]
Binding the tongues and minds of a new generation—for what?
In this postmodern era of mind-numbing ‘wokeness’, our playboy Prime Minister, perhaps trying to compensate for a childhood that has lasted into his 40s, has […]
Father launches medical complaint against doctor for ‘gender-jacking
The Ron Gray Show: SOGI’s Cruel “Compassion”
Ron Gray presents his opinion that the SOGI agenda uses a cruel form of "compassion" to sell their program, exposing their underhanded tactics and ulterior […]
The Ron Gray Show: 12 Rules for Life – An Antidote to Chaos
The Ron Gray Show: Groundhog Day 2018
Groundhog Day 2018 from RoadKill Radio on Vimeo. In this entry of Ron Gray's "That's How I See It," Ron explains why he thinks that […]
Family Freedom Fighters: Thought Crimes in Canada
Pro-lifers Don Spratt and Cissy von Dehn made a big mistake by handing out copies of BC’s ‘Bubble Zone” law; it turns out the abortionists, […]
by Terry O’Neill Amanda Todd’s suicide touched many in our community, and rightly so. If it’s true that the death of even one person represents […]
Sun News: A Clash of Rights
Ezra Levant hosts Chris Schafer of the Canadian Constitution Foundation, who explains the difference between fundamental rights and phony rights and the clash of rights […]
October 3, 2012 Re: Bravo, Minister Ambrose! Dear Mr. Prime Minister, My name is Kari Simpson; I am a civil, informed Canadian. I am the […]
Greetings Dr. Phil! I need help! I am not sure if I need an intervention or just some help on how to manage my obsession […]
Ron Gray recounts the lessons learned from the late, great Jack Webster beyond the journalistic checklist of “who, what, when, where, why, and how”. Also, […]
The National Absurder: An Administrative Statement
RoadKill Radio’s National Absurder, Jim Lawter, muses on a commentary he produced that was taken as both pro-left and pro-right, while all along he meant […]
The National Absurder: Strangers with Candy
Flash Drive with the National Absurder: Strangers with Candy “Want some sweets, little boy?” RoadKill Radio’s National Absurder, Jim Lawter, observes some dangerous sexual advances […]
The Sham “Ethics” of Campaign Finance
Flash Drive with Ron Gray: The Sham “Ethics” of Campaign Finance Watching the hearings by the Commons Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics […]