May 062013

Kari Simpson joins Ron Gray to update her case and to talk about the need to bring about changes to Canada's justice system. Since going public with her case, Kari has been inundated with other troubling cases that demand remedy. Clearly the justice system is broken and needs to be fixed. Drive For Justice is expanding to cover more cases, including an in-depth look at the circus that has resulted in the Justice Lori Douglas matter that is before the Canadian Judicial Council. Buckle-up – this is going to be a hot ride!

  2 Responses to “Drive For Justice 35: Introduction to Drive For Justice II”

  1. Thanks again for your update here. This is august and I am seeing this from May so I look forward for the next update. Great work you guys. As a Canadian citizen I have watched over the last few years as the court has turned into the immoral court of Canada! The human rights tribunals which operate under the noses of the judicial system has turned the whole system into a mockery. AS well as these supreme court judges behaving like juveniles. I have no respect for these carpet baggers in robes…they may as well put on clown suits along with their Ontario based lawyer bunch as well who think they have some fat ass duty to turn every moral law upside down. They are all clowns . I think we should send our burgeoning population of lawyers to the front lines with our soldiers.

  2. Look this up may help

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